"you think it over slowly, slowly choose"

「你就慢慢考虑, 慢慢选择⋯⋯」

‘you think it over slowly, slowly choose…’


13x50: 650 inkjet prints on tissue

Untitled: 4 channel text and image video projection. 12 min

‘you think it over slowly, slowly choose…’ begins with an inquiry into my grandaunt, a single mother who crossed into pre-independence Singapore with her 10-year old son in 1955 to work as a maid. She was first allowed by the state to apply for citizenship ten years post-independence (1965) in the late 1970s, but was denied Singaporean citizenship, stateless and trapped in Singapore. She lived in Singapore for five decades till her passing in 2004. This body of work has two parts. 

13x50 comprises 650 3R-sized photographic tissue prints. These are 50 re-photographs, one for each year she was in Singapore, made with my iPhone, of each of the thirteen family photographs of my grandaunt that are in existence. 

Untitled is a four-channel text and image video projection based on interviews, done in Cantonese, with two family members during the reconstruction of these memories and events, reflecting gaps and denial by the state and the family. The three text channels comprise literal truncated translations (Cantonese to English) from the interviews. The image channel depicts a silent excerpt.

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