The first chapter it starts with the horses

The first chapter it starts with the horses


Jute, single-channel video projection, colour, 2-channel sound, 32 minutes

‘The first chapter it starts with the horses’ is based on conversations I had with an old trader in Karachi, Pakistan, who had migrated as a teenager to Pakistan from Bombay, India, by boat in 1948.

The work is a video projection through a jute sack onto the ceiling of waves in the sea, accompanied by the voice of the old trader listing items and commodities that can be imported into Pakistan. 

The moving image, fragmented by the jute sack, appears on the first screen surface- the jute, before hitting the second screen - the ceiling above. As the voice of the old trader falls on the audience below, his listing of items creates images of these objects in one's mind as one looks as the sea above.

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