And this is the lady and her pond

And this is the lady and her pond


3-channel projection, 6-channel sound, found objects of varying dimensions, 15 min


This projection installation comprising still and moving images and sound, is based on the recollections of 4 twenty-somethings in Karachi, Pakistan. One talks about her grandparents' home and life pre-Partition in Lucknow, India. One talks about his own recent migration from Karachi to Toronto, Canada, and back. One describes her 'family home' in Goa, India, and another talks about her grandmother's journey from Burma to India during WWII. The different stories, based on a fantasy, lived trauma, an imposed identity based on one's heritage and family lore, are layered over and under each other, resonating through the repetition, pairing and jxtapositioning of words, sounds, and images. As still and moving images shift on the three projections present, voices emanate softly from speakers in the space, guiding audience through the space, further shifting one's view of the image as one moves. The narratives, visually and orally disembodied and fractured, bring to the fore negotiations one makes with oneself and with families and communities as one moves, as one recalls a received migration, and the influences these trajectories have on lives. The installation also asks how audiences can negotiate the document, present as image and voice, in relation to their subjectivities and perspectives.

Below are installation views at NUS Museum, Singapore.

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